Males average around 40-55 pounds as adults. Females average around 35-49 pounds. Their height is typically 19-22.5 inches at the shoulders as adults.
Expect an affectionate, calm, intelligent, cooperative, kind, eager to please, active, comical dog.
The Braque du Bourbonnais is a rare breed that has been around since the 1500s.
They have a typical lifespan of 15 years.
All of our Braque du Bourbonnais dogs are registered with NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association). We Penn Hip tested any dog that is going to be bred in our breeding program.
Our Braque du Bourbonnais puppies are $1,800. The deposit for one of our BdB puppies is $500. The remainder is due at pickup or before shipping. More information can be found on our PURCHASE AGREEMENT page.
The deposit will be refunded if your choice of gender is unavailable from the litter the deposit was made for. More information can be found on our PURCHASE AGREEMENT page.
We use Diamond Naturals dog food, Ruff land- Ruff Tough Kennels (manufactured a few miles away in South Dakota), Garmin Alpha with GPS tracking for out in the field, and DT systems RAPT 1450 for daily training.